Monday, August 22, 2011

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Red Hot Messes!

We pretty much finished up the coop today. Emmy and her friend helped with touch up painting. After we were done, we let the chicks have another field trip. They were literally running around like their heads were chopped off. Whiney thinks we made a deluxe dog house so we had to convince him to leave the coop. lol

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Where did my chicks go?

They were so cute and they are full of feathers and big. They love the you can tell by the very, very, very close ups.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

12 days old

The feathers are really starting to come in! My little fuzz balls are now feathered balls, lol.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Updated Pictures of the little monsters

Here are pictures from Tuesday through today...they are getting their wing and tail feathers in.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Field Trip

We let a few of the peepers outside for a field trip to visit the pen as we were working on it. They had a blast!!! The chicks are 5 days old in these pictures.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Wow, do chick grow fast

So, we've had the chicks 3 days now and you can already see a difference in size from when they arrived.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The babies are here, the babies are here

The phone rang at 7:42am to let us know that we needed to pick up the chicks. Curtis ran to get them for me while I got the kids, well, one kid as Jared said it was his birthday and he wanted to sleep in. Emmy jumped right out of bed and ran to help me turn on the heat lamp, fill the food and water. I am in love..even with the monster...other wise known as the "extra". The company we ordered from included a free rare breed chicken of their choose with your order. Of course, we got a male Araucana. He is soooo stinkin' cute...but already trouble.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Updated Chicken Mansion Picture

It's not quite done yet but we still have a few weeks before the chicks will be outside living in it.

They shipped!!

So the baby chicks shipped today and will be here tomorrow or Friday. We ordered 10 Rhode Island Red hens. The names have been carefullt chosen by Emmy and Jared...all Disney Princess names, lol. Aurora, Bella, Ariel, Tiana, Tinker Bell, Mulan, Cinderella, Snow White, Jasmin, Rapunzel. At first, the chicks will need to be kep tin the house under heat lamps to keep their temperature 95 degrees. After a few weeks, they will be moved to the chicken mansion in the back yard.

Here is where they will be staying while babies. It is the same kiddie pool that Pippin used to have her pups in so when we brought it in, she was so excited, I had to tell her that she no longer has a baby maker and the pool is not for her.